Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Can you spy a "Resolution"?

Hi, book blogging world!  I'm keen to read a little more thoughtfully this shiny new year, so am bringing Shaggy Dog out of retirement!

I've updated some lists, checked them twice, and am ready for more reading, and more blogging about reading, in 2014.

I've been in a zombie wasteland lately, so plan to write more about that, because decent zombie reviews can be hard to find.  I've got a few goals around broadening some of my reading this year, and picking up some more modern stuff so I'm not too hopelessly outdated.

I hope you're still out there, and will read along with me.  Looking forward to reading some of my old book blogging friends out there on the Interwebz.  Happy New Year!

Me and my Snow White in Central Park, October 2013.

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