Monday, January 17, 2011

On floods, ebooks, and electricity

I’ve been out of action for a while, the floods here in Brisbane have been just terrible, and we were completely cut off here for three days without power or much in the way of communications.  My husband didn’t get home before the road was cut, and spent the time at his brother’s. He made it back on Friday afternoon and we picked up the older kids, and just that night got power back!  It was very welcome (though I did think of keeping my husband in a dark room for three days, complete with a 2 year old and poor communication, just so he got the full experience :D).   

Without power, I did get to read a little, though my current two 1001 books are both ebooks on Kindle on my iPad, so that was a little interesting.  There's something witty to be said here about ebooks and electricity, but it's beyond me to fashion it.  I raided my hard copy book piles, and read Committed, by Elizabeth Gilbert, which was on my To Be Read pile, I'll write something about it soon.

We've had power for a while now, so I finished some ebooks, The Lovely Bones, finished Atonement - my first official 1001 books book!, and started War and Peace *gulp.*

More on these books soon as things get a little more back to normal around here.  Brisbane is still doing it tough, spare us some thoughts!  Here's one of the many places it flooded near our house, cutting our suburb off for three days!  That post marker shows the water at just under 21 metres.

Mt Crosby Road disappearing at Kholo Creek

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